Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 9 - looking for models!!

Not long until Easter now and our end of Term Open Days at Toukley and Kanwal!!!!
This week we will be looking for 5 Ballerinas - one from each level - Bubby Ballet, Baby Ballet, Kinder Ballet, JB Jazz and Grade 1 to model our new CCBB Dance Bag!! (Mrs Barker will be selecting the Ballerina(s) from each grade.)
Don't forget - full uniform including headband, scrunchie, ballet tights and ballet shoes (clean) with groomed hair. (no jewellery please)
We will be giving away one of our fantastic new bags in our Term 2  EBD draw - Week 1 - Term 2
We are very excited about our Term 2 Theme - Adventures around the world with Dora the Explorer - more info coming soon and of course Term 2 will finish with our Semester 1 Open Day "On Stage" at Toukley Neighbourhood Centre with Student of the Term Prizes, Certificates and 12 month and 2 year Trophies!!!
We are looking forward to transforming our website for Dora the Explorer over the Easter Holidays and programming lots of new and exciting dance steps and sequences from all around the world!!

Thank you to our Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers for taking the time to bring your Ballerinas to classes each week this Term :) Thank you for your enthusiasm, patience, help and consideration which in turn helps to make our days teaching your Ballerinas a delight and a pleasure!!