Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 8 - CCBB's ZERO Tolerance of Bullying

Dear Parents and Caregivers at CCBB,

Miss Charlotte and I are very disappointed that after certain events last week regarding several  Parents speaking and acting on behalf of Central Coast Baby Ballet without consultation or authorisation by ALL members of Central Coast Baby Ballet Fundraising Committee that we feel obliged to issue this statement to ALL  Parents.

Since the establishment of Central Coast Baby Ballet nearly 3 years ago we have communicated with all our parents openly and honestly on all matters concerning Central Coast Baby Ballet. We have never had to deal with abusive and disrespectful behaviour or gossip by parents on this level before.

For the safety and comfort of ALL Parents/Caregivers and their children we would like to remind you that ALL Parents/Adults are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful  manner at all times. 

Gossiping by a parent about other students, parents, staff members or studio policies will not be tolerated. Abusive, rude and disrespectful behaviour including negative comments, negative criticism, dramatic and negative personal attacks directed towards our professionalism, teaching strategies and practices, communication skills, studio policies, management, either verbally, online or by email, will not be tolerated or acknowledged. 

 We will not accept or tolerate bullying by a parent or groups of parents. 

Disrespecting a staff member is grounds for disciplinary action that may result in being asked to leave the studio permanently. In the event that you are asked to not return to the studio there will be no reimbursement for any class fees.

We have been made aware of some parents concerns regarding the fundraising committee’s allocation of funds. We will certainly inform parents of the final outcome as to how the funds will be used WHEN we receive confirmation from ALL committee members. 

In the mean time we will not respond to any further correspondence that is negative or distressing to Miss Charlotte, Miss Julie or myself.

Thank you for your understanding and co operation on this matter.


Kim Barker (Director – Central Coast Baby Ballet)